Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Assignment #3

Artwork Criticism

When walking into the McMaster Art Gallery, I felt that all the works of art were dealing with the emotions of the artist themselves. All of the art works were expressing a certain emotion. The art curator probably wanted the viewer to notice how each piece of art represented a different emotion.
The artwork I chose was Zach Mory's "Boxes". Its medium is pencil on paper. It was not specifically stated how large the painting was, but I would say it was about 2.5 feet x 2.5 feet. The piece of art uses lines to create boxes that steadily disperse to the top right corner of the drawing.
The drawing uses lines and shading to emphasize the gradual separation of the boxes. The use of black, white, and grey let the view focus more on the simplicity of the art, which allows more focus on the separation. The mood created by this artwork would be one of sadness because of the separation happening in the drawing.
I feel that this artwork has to deal with a separation that the artist once went though. The boxes start out close knit and together, but when the eye travels towards the top right, the boxes seem to be dispersing further away from each other. This gives me a feeling of remorse for the artist because I would want to know what the separation was about. This drawing could possibly have an underlying meaning of separation from society.
I like this drawing because of the use of geometric patterns and the absent use of color. It also has simplicity which I find to be very appealing.

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